Message from the CEO

Becoming a Group that is suited for the global standard
Dear Shareholders and Investors,
The BEENOS Group has been in the center of the E-Commerce industry since the information revolution in 1999. We entered the Cross Border EC market in 2007 and it has since grown to become the largest Cross Border EC platform in Japan and the core business of the Group. We have been able to accomplish this primarily through the support of our shareholders.
We have expanded our business portfolio into the entertainment industry. We also created the Incubation Business where we have invested and supported approximately 60 domestic and international companies.
As we look at the internet market from a macro perspective, we see the industry move at a high-flying pace as giant EC markets appear in China and Southeast Asia, Japanese C2C marketplaces show dramatic growth and major EC platforms merge/restructure.
BEENOS celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2019 and we have now reached the stage where we are ready to connect the dots that we have created across a wide range of industries. We are now primed to initiate the “Global Platform” we envisioned and worked for through our expertise in the Cross Border EC business within the BEENOS Group and the network we have been able to establish with foreign marketplaces including our investees.
The “Global Platform” does not solely belong to BEENOS. We have constructed it with our customers and our partners as a mutual asset. We believe that this is the opportune moment for Japanese companies and IP content holders to utilize this platform to advance their businesses on a global scale. We are willing to do whatever is necessary, amidst this shift to compartmentalize the global economy, to assist in the measures to connect “People,” “Things” and “Information” to uplift those around the world and increase the potential of those in Japan.
We ask for your continued support as we proceed to make BEENOS grow to create a brighter future for the global community and our investors.
Shota Naoi, BEENOS Inc. President and Group CEO
- Investor Relations
- Management Policy - Message from the CEO